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Microservices is an architectural style where an application is divided into a collection of small, independent, and loosely coupled services. Each service is responsible for a specific piece of functionality within the application and can be developed, deployed, and scaled independently.

Monolithic applications can become hard to manage as their functionality increase, making it harder to maintain, manage and work between teams. Following a microservices approach, even with a shared database can alleviate some of these issues. Below is some information regarding microservices and why you should consider restructure the design if your software.

Microservices with a shared database is an architectural approach that combines the principles of microservices while using a single database system for multiple microservices. In this setup, each microservice remains responsible for specific business logic and functions independently, but they all interact with a common database to store and retrieve data.

When migrating a monolith to microservices, it’s ideal to start by breaking collections of underlying business logic into independent microservices within a shared database. As the logic is split into independent units, the tables within the shared database can be logically partitioned to clarify the separation of logic and data. Once those tables are properly partitioned, it’s possible to introduce the database-per-service model.

Advantages of Microservices

Faster development time: Angular’s features and tools can help developers build applications more quickly and efficiently.

Scalability: Microservices allow for fine-grained scalability. You can scale individual services independently based on their specific resource demands. In a monolithic application, you often have to scale the entire application even if only a small part of it requires more resources.

Independent Development and Deployment: Each microservice can be developed, tested, and deployed independently. This enables faster development cycles, shorter time to market, and the ability to release new features or updates to specific parts of the application without affecting the entire system.

Technology Diversity: Microservices provide flexibility in choosing different technologies and programming languages for different services. This allows you to select the most suitable technology stack for each service, which may be beneficial for specific tasks or development preferences.

Fault Isolation: Since microservices are loosely coupled, failures in one service are less likely to impact the entire application. This leads to better fault isolation and improved system resilience.

Easier Maintenance: Smaller codebases are generally easier to understand, maintain, and debug. When an issue arises, it’s often easier to pinpoint and fix it in a single microservice rather than navigating a large monolithic codebase.

Enhanced Scalability and Resource Utilization: Microservices can utilize resources more efficiently, as you can allocate resources precisely where they are needed. This reduces resource waste and improves cost-effectiveness.

Future-Proofing: Microservices are well-suited for continuous evolution and adaptation. As your application grows and changes, you can add, modify, or replace individual services without rearchitecting the entire system.

Testing Isolation: Testing microservices in isolation is typically more straightforward, allowing for more comprehensive unit and integration testing.

In summary, the above given points highlight the advantages of a microservices approach to software architecture and why you should consider this for your current or upcoming software application.

Want to understand how Microknot can assist with migrating your monolithic application into a microservices architecture? Contact us today.